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The first customers are using the DACHSER Platform for their day-to-day business

The first customers have been working with the DACHSER Platform since the end of August last year. After several intensive test phases, real customer data is now flowing through the system. This way, we learn daily which of the platform’s features are working smoothly and where there is a need for individual adjustments. The feedback helps to improve the platform step by step.
Since August 2023, around 500 air export customers have had access to the platform and can handle their day-to-day business digitally.
The DACHSER Platform combines the services of our Road Logistics and Air & Sea Logistics business fields in a user-friendly, modern interface. After an intensive development and test phase, the first version of the digital platform is now live with basic functions for Air Export. Since August 2023, around 500 Air Export customers have had access to the platform and can handle their day-to-day business digitally. The resulting data and customer feedback will be used to develop the platform further.

Real-time data for targeted optimization

Since the start of development in May 2022, the DACHSER Platform has been developed iteratively and in direct exchange with customers. In intensive research and test phases, our team identified user needs and gathered feedback on product designs. “Our customers were happy with the onboarding process – as they are with the platform itself. Thanks to its intuitive user interface, customers can familiarize themselves with the DACHSER Platform independently and immediately test the live version”, says Nicole Roedele, Project Manager Digital Sales ASL at DACHSER.

The active use of the DACHSER Platform generates valuable real-time data from day-to-day business, which helps the development team to draw conclusions for the further development of the platform. In a low-threshold feedback process, customers can provide feedback on user-friendliness, design, and functions. The constructive feedback can be given via the platform or directly to the DACHSER contact persons. Thanks to this real-time data, the development team can optimize the platform’s functions in an even more targeted manner and adapt workflows where necessary.

What’s next? In 2024, the DACHSER Platform will be expanded step by step in order to map the entire DACHSER service offering digitally and to make it available in an integrated manner.

DACHSER worldwide
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Contact Ali Mahboob Digital Communications Manager Asia Pacific
+91 022 42328-247